Jealousy & Insecurity

This is a really quick post following my read of 1 Samuel – for some reason  I saw things differently this time, which for the sake of time I shall highlight in point format:

●  Identity – we each have to find and accept with grace our own identity in Christ and in CHRIST alone. We know little about Saul’s former life pre-kingship, but what we can reasonably assume is that he was very comfortable in what he  had taken on to be his identity. The bible says he was loyal, committed, dependable and reliable. Those are very endearing qualities that most people not only admire but highly value in people. On top of that, the bible says Saul  was a most handsome young man. There was none finer—he literally stood head and shoulders above the crowd! So not only had he built up a reputation of good character, but he also was a bit of a looker with hood height which made him stand out amongst the crowd even more. I’m sure Saul must have got used to people’s adulation telling him how amazing he is. All that adulation if you don’t know your own identity from the outset becomes the basis of your identity. This is a dangerous thing- we cannot allow the opinions of Man  or in fact anything outside of God’s Word to define the essence of our being. I mean, what would it mean if opinions change? When looks fail? Then what? We cannot put the key to our identity and happiness in anyone else’s pocket or in things that are temporal- it’s fickle and has the power to send us to a crashing low in certain circumstances.


● Security – Saul was King. He probably felt rather special, and fair dues most would. However, again his kingship or shall I say, his TITLE/POSITION  as we read through 1 Samuel seems to have given him some subtle haughtiness. He didn’t feel greatly threatened when David killed goliath. He was just a boy that done good. Saul liked that he had a good one under his authority. In fact  David was consistently good – the bible says whatever mission Saul sent him on, David was so successful that Saul gave him a high rank in the army. This pleased all the troops, and Saul’s officers as well. Again, Saul is happy that his governance is going good. That is until David draws public praise and adulation which highlights David’s success. I am quite sure that the ladies singing about David were not trying to start some rivalry. They were probably freestyling their joy and shock that this young boy David done remarkably well for his little and slight physical stature to take on so much and do so well. However that’s not what Saul heard. Saul, took this entirely innocent song personally. His perception of himself is now under threat because the people who made him feel so special, and the title that gave him so much security are now celebrating the achievements of someone he considered beneath him. Instead of him hearing how remarkable David has done given his disadvantages (short and slight) all Saul heard is that the people now seem to love David more than him. This gets on Saul’s nerves. Then Saul honesin on the particulars… the numbers – thousands v tens of thousands. Instead of celebrating the joint win and victory, his own insecurities make him compare David’s accomplishments with his own. This angers Saul and the bible says that from that moment on Saul kept a close eye on David.


● Jealousy- when a person is not secure on their own identity they begin to feel threatened by other people’s successes. Just as the bible says Saul kept a close eye on David, people who feel threatened by your rise and God’s blessings on your life will not be genuinely and openly happy for you because they see it a threat to WHO they are – their worth, identity and their security.


● deception and manipulation of circumstances  – after David got such public praise,  Saul began to do things that would take David out of the limelight. He tried to have David killed.  How can admiration turn so ugly? Jealousy and envy are murderous emotions.


● BLOCK SUCCESD As with Saul, when someone is threatened by your success you become a target for their clandestine efforts to bring you down. They keep a close eye on everything you have, do, succeed and thus causes then to feel envious, counting YOUR blessings instead of their own.

So I say all that to say be careful of the people around you. A simple seemingly innocent statement that had David received, made Saul get irate. Thank God for Jonathan who  God positioned to protect David.

God is great. Be aware and place your identity in Him and focus on God and God alone.