Checking Our Lives – Don’t Be Found Wanting!

This is short and sweet, based on how it dropped into my Spirit this morning.
We need to be living lifestyles that so honour God.
Our thoughts generate consequences in in spirit realm.
Our actions definitely create consequences in the spirit realm.
Whether those consequences will be positive or negative will depend on the substance and intention of those thoughts/actions.
If your thoughts/actions are negative toward someone or have negative intent, it has a consequence similar to murdering the life that God created.
For example if you have bad thoughts about or toward someone in the sense that thoughts of them create a stream of negative energy within you, then in the spirit realm each time you do this you sabotaging the spiritual life around that person and thus committing a form of murder.
That then creates what can be described as a  spiritual organ/body part in your spirit life store.
Each time that this negativity comes from within your heart without genuine repentance (evidenced by a turn around and changed behaviour) it keeps creating these sabotaged body parts that are kept in the spirit storehouse of your life.
The more unrepentant negative thoughts/actions that come from you the more the body parts in your spirit storehouse. This is why when we go to God in prayer you can’t pray to Him with all that murder in your spirit house. It is a stench to God and blocks your prayers. Therefore this is why the bible says that if are going before God and your brother has an offence on you (has a record of an unreported offence that you  are aware of – and God knows ehen you’re aware) you must  go and be reconciled first with your brother before being able to go before God.
At the end of days, just  as God did in the book of Daniel, God is going to weigh all those body parts against your virtuous intentions and good fruit borne of love intentions. Do not be found wanting because that determines your external destiny.
God has given us 2 instructions that sum up every principle in the bible:
1. Love the Lord your God with all your heart your mind and soul.
2. Love your neighbour as yourself.
That’s it.
So if we get these right we are set to be in right alignment with God. If your whole heart is devoted to and filled or mostly filledwith the love OF God, and FOR God then the thoughts of your mind and decisions of your will (soul) will be pleasing to God. I say mostly since none of us are perfect so we will fall short but if we repent because we are sorry for our wrongful a ton or thought then God is faithful to forgive us. That keeps our spirit life house clean. The bible talks about keeping it clean and filled with God’s spirit and if you dont and let other evil spirits in they come back with 7 worse spirits.
The next is to love your neighbour as yourself. When you love God and truly are humbled by your own fragility you can recognize it in others and nust be forgiving because like you they are working on something that either they have to deal with, or if they choose not to God will deal with. Our job is to be in humility and forgive and love.
We have to recognize there are truly broken people who operate out of their brokenness whose actions are unkind. They need love the most. We must be forgiving seeing their actions symptomatic of the state of their brokenness. And love. But if they become manifestly evil we must be wise to distance ourselves as God says we must walk with wise men and bad company corrupts good morals.
The goal of life is to become the person that God created us to be, fulfil our God given purpose and thus ensure our spirit house is clean pure and filled with God’s Holy Spirit. Then at the end of our days when God weighs as in Daniel  5, mene mene tekel God will weigh our spirit life and we do not want to be found wanting.
Be good, be aligned with God and be blessed.