What is faith?

Facing an impossible situation? Perhaps you’ve lost your job? Dealing with a diagnosis? Marital problems? Family issues? You manager is the devil incarnate? Not enough money? Losing sleep? Losing peace? Feeling entirely at your wits end? And in the midst of all of this you’re told “Keep the faith!!” What a well-meaning statement but what does that actually mean to someone going through critical hardship? How does that give real and practical answers to manage day to day life crises? How does ‘faith’ help us in our every day lives? This is what we need to know.

Faith is defined in the book of Hebrews 11:1 – Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen.

Still not terribly clear is it, so let’s delve deeper, and examine what the word means in the Hebrew language.

Faith is the word emunah, and it comes from the word ‘aman’.

Aman = to trust or rely upon.

Emunah = is an action word meaning support due to your belief in….

Therefore the meaning of the word faith is that your belief, trust and reliance on something causes you to take action which supports that belief.

As Christians our faith is in God’s Word and when we commit and submit our lives to God, our Lord is Jesus – The Word of God. Therefore, whatever we face in life, our answer can be found in the many principles found in God’s Word.

For example, you may be dealing with the boss from hell. Her every move and word is critical and undermining as she slowly tries to erode your confidence. Our responsibility is the do everything we do as unto the Lord, which means with the spirit of excellence. If you’re working with excellence and you’re in correct alignment with God, this boss may well be on an assignment to test your faithfulness to God’s Word. When she acts up, do you respond with a quick sharp word, or do you seek peace, indulge her with kindness and show love? God says we are to show our enemies love (Matthew 5:44-45).

The Bible is good at giving clear guidance on God’s principles for living, but if you’re anything like me, you like to know the ‘why’, and that is often not explained in the bible. Sometimes the knowledge of the why comes with revelation with the passage of time, and other times with knowledge or wisdom acquired through life. In the example relating to the unpleasant boss, it is likely that her own issues are so overwhelming in her life that her heart is filled with the issues of life, rather than thoughts of peace and love.

We are told to Guard our hearts with all diligence for out of it flows the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23). So when a person allows their heart (and mind) to be filled with issues rather than filling their heart with the meditations of God’s Word which brings guidance and peace, they often display a plethora of destructive behaviours that they then project onto the people around them. What they need is a kind encouraging word, love and definitely help to address their issues. People are often fighting battles we know nothing about, and in this world of feigning strength and having it all together, often the only sign we know that a battle is being fought is the outward behaviours one presents with. So in reference to the example, the principle of guarding the heart is in the bible, as is the need to love your enemies. Applying and living these principles is exactly what we need to do in this, but any situation. It may not resolve the situation, and perhaps that’s not the role God centred us in the situation for. He has already gone before us and prepared our way out of that situation. We don’t need to look for exits, we need to master the role that we have been given, which is to apply with diligence God’s Word for our given situations.

Applying God’s Word

This is the more challenging part. We live in a world where our humanity is celebrated and faith is barely given any airtime. Therefore in the context of this culture, it is very easy to fall into the habit of working out ones own life according to what ‘we think’. That’s not what God’s Word says – it says

Back to the root meaning of the word FAITH – Trusting in God’s Word, not leaning and depending on your own understanding but trusting in the principles and guidance of God’s Word for your situation and taking action that shows that you are trusting God – and then waiting for Him to direct the next steps of your path.

Faith then is not so much about a description or declaration of what you believe, but actually it is the demonstration of your belief through your actions in relying on God’s Word.

First Things First

Now, it is important to clarify that faith isn’t dreaming up some fanciful plans and ideals that we want in life, and finding scriptures to support what we want to believe and manifest in our lives. No, no and no! There is nothing in that which shows that God is the Lord of our lives, it shows that we want what we want and we’ll cherry pick from God’s Word ways to support why what we think should be right. Wrong.

The bible says when we desire something (or some outcome), in every situation instead of wrestling with thoughts and anxiety, we are to take our desires to God in prayer. We are to be open with God and make our requests known to Him, and then ask God to guide us into His will and give us wisdom to take steps into fulfilling His will for our lives. That means that we may desire some things, but God’s answer may not necessarily be the answer that we think is the right one, or even the one we want to hear. That is where the trust and depending action part of the word ‘faith’ comes into action.

Therefore, whatever situation we’re facing, no matter how dire it looks, we must go to God’s Word, examine the various situations where God showed Himself as Jehovah Nissi, God the Banner, the Deliverer into victory over the circumstance that is trying our faith. The more we examine how God consistently showed up for those who put their trust in Him, the more our own faith is encouraged and empowered that we too can do the same. God is faithful and our faith requires that we take action to show that we trust, believe and rely upon Him and His Word to be Lord of our lives. Contrary to popular culture, we don’t need to have it all figured out – we just need to having done all we reasonably can we stand on reliance of God’s Word and wait for Him to deliver us in our hour of need. God’s Word repeatedly show us that God is looking to show forth His glory on the earth, but how can God show forth His glory in our lives when we won’t trust Him? We have to trust, believe and rely on His Word and commit our hearts and lives to surrendering to however God wants to work out our life situations.

Whatever situation you’re facing please be reassured in your heart that nothing is too big for our God for He is Omnipotent – He has unlimited power! He created the universe and decided that you had a specific place and role on this earth. You are His masterpiece and takes great pride in you. In fact, He has already gone before you and worked out the very situation you’re dealing with (Isaiah 45:2) so He doesn’t want you to fret and worry about it, just do what He says in His Word and trust Him. God will NOT fail you. Do not worry or be anxious. Speak to God, trust Him and leave the issues in His capable hands, not blocking up your heart and mind. Sending love.

Thank you to all my global audience, I do hope this has blessed and encouraged your faith and walk with God.